
Signed up for Stockholm Marathon 2006

I just signed up for Stockholm Marathon 2006. Come and cheer me on on the 4th of June. Oh yeah... I haven't got any sponsors yet so if you want to endorse your company, products, services please send me a message. By the way, there is no guarantee in the world that I'll make the whole 42+ kilometers... but I'll try.


Waaaay cool...

Today I played around with Cinema 4D and Terragen, a software that can generate very realistic landscapes. I guess it is like Bryce, although I've never given Bryce a try. The neat thing with the combination of C4D and Terragen is that you can import the landscape files into C4D and add your own models etc. and they interact with the landscape. Terragen is for free if you use it for personal purposes and it is available for Mac. There is a bunch of links to pages with tutorials, surfaces and stuff for Terragen...

Speaking of Cinema 4D, I just visited Maxon's homepage at realized that there will be a new release out soon, version 9.5, and apparently the advanced render module has a sky generating function which seems to be well worth investing your money into. I know I will.


What a nifty little tool

Hey, check it out. Google has released a tool called Google earth; maybe it has been around for a while, what do I know? What I do know is that I tried it for the first time today and it is very cool. What does it do? Well, you get to pan and zoom around satellite images of mother earth. Add to this all sorts of layers such as waters, 3D buildings etc. I could actually get some detailed images of my street on Södermalm.

The only bad thing, apart from some areas not being so detailed, is that the darn software isn't available for Mac. Not yet, anyway.

Check it out at Google.